Monday, September 18, 2006

Athens Popfest 2006 scrapbook.

Optical Atlas has posted the Athens Popfest 2006 Scrapbook and it's quite delightful. There are quotes from both Tony and I included. The Ideal Free Distribution was lucky enough to play the Popfest (duh.) and there are some pretty pictures and comments about our set included as well. It's like reliving the whole weekend all over again!
Seriously, good work, Jeff. I appreciate all the hard work and love you put into OA.


Jeff said...

You're welcome, and thanks for the great music...I've had Apples and Oranges stuck in my head all afternoon, but it's a good thing, and it's my fault anyway because the album is so damn fun to listen to. Can't wait for the real release!

Samantha said...

i know! it refuses to come quickly enough.