Salami floormats... Now, that's funny!
Thursday, March 24, 2005
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Action Jackson shakes his coconuts.
Earlier this morning I was innocently watching Junior Senior videos and first on the list was "Shake Your Coconuts". I was watching and watching and about 5 seconds into the song it cuts to a shot of this flambouyant, clearly gay man in tight ass clothes and a scarf dancing his fanny off and I think "Oh my god, that was so Bryan Jackson!" It was. He prances around and shakes his thang. It's awesome. It was really nice to see some of the residual shit that Bryan may or may have not fucked up when he was in the HELL-A.
ps - Junior Senior rule.
Posted by
2:24 PM
Pick up the phone!
Why am I cursed with my stupid Sprint cellular phone?! Why, 3 years ago when I was perusing all of the cellular phones, did I choose one of the Sprint models? Were they cheaper than the others? Was the Circuit City worker trying to force one upon me? Did my grandmother tell me that they were superior? What?? WHY?! Because all I know is the FLAVA FLAV ringtone is available for T-Mobile, Cingular and AT&T subscribers ONLY. I cannnot articulate how much I love the "FLAVA FLAV! YEEEAH BOYEE!" It brings joy into my life, as does the small, black rapper man from which it emanates. All I want is to be alerted to future phone calls by none other than Flava himself. Is it so much to ask? I am being excluded simply because I pay Sprint to let me receive phone calls on the go as opposed to paying AT&T for that service. It's discriminatory for certain. Flava, I will have you one day, until then I'll have to exist with you only in heart.
Posted by
1:54 PM
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Attn Hulkamaniacs turned indie rockers:
Of Montreal - So Begins Our Alabee
The album that features this song, The Sunlandic Twins, will be released on April 12th on Polyvinyl Records. This sounds like one of the tracks that Kevin Barnes may have spent days hours upon hours hunched over his laptop with, rearranging everything, slapping in all the sythesizer, the sonic meanderings, and "oh, oh, oh's" in their proper spots. This song picks up right where "Disconnect The Dots", the first single from Of Montreal's last album, Satantic Panic In The Attic, left off. Avant-disco, indeed. Indie rock that you can dance to!
Antony and the Johnsons - Hope There's Someone
Umm, could I possibly love this song more? In fact, I loved this song instantly upon hearing it and since that time, this love has evolved into a burning passion of sorts. This is opening track on the second full length album of Antony's, I Am A Bird Now, released on Secretly Canadian. The song is made up of two things, Antony's voice and Antony's piano. It's amazing the passion that he can envoke through those two simple instruments. There is something very 1950's about the way that Antony sings, the deep, rich tone and vibrato. People don't do that anymore.
So, now that I have posted 2 songs that I genuinely like, I clearly must address another good-for-completely-different-reasons song. And here we go.
Hulk Hogan and the Wrestling Boot Band - Hulkster In Heaven
Not just kidding. Listen to it; I dare you. AND if you sit through the entire win! It's nearly as bad as Pee Wee Herman's classic "The Bird's The Word". Concerning that matter, I can't make it through the whole thing in one sitting but don't worry, I have the 7 inch. I sort of want to say a lot more things concerning the ALBUM "Hulk Rules" by Hulk Hogan and the Wrestling Boot Band but that may make my head explode. However, you can purchase it on Amazon. As you will see it features other worthy tunes such as "Hulkster's In The House", "Hulkster's Back", "Hulk's The One", "Hulk Rules" and "Beach Patrol" (?). I wonder which is worse, this or "Be A Man" by the Macho Man Randy Savage. It looks like the Macho Man's album has a little more variation to it; though I just looked at the titles of the songs and ventured that guess. OH YEEEAAHHH!
Posted by
12:21 AM
Monday, March 14, 2005
She'll bring the good stuff
Nathalie Nordnes - Join Me In The Park
The Norwegians are in practice of perfecting the airy, bubbley pop music lately. Nathalie has officially joined the Sondre Lerche/Annie Club. I would definitely meet her in the park.
Posted by
1:42 PM
Friday, March 11, 2005
It's alright to want more than this.
Last night I drug my friend Eric to the hole in the wall Circle Bar to see the Castanets play. And I'll be damned if everyone else shouldn't be sad that they missed it. A San Francisco band, Lazarus, opened up. They played a spirited but very short set. It was too short for me to even really decide if I liked them or not. I far from hated them but I needed a little more to go on. You aren't going to sell any homemade cdrs by playing 5 songs to a roomful of strangers no matter how lanky and agonized 2/3rds of your band appears to be. Though, to Lazarus's credit, the lead singer did mention that they had been driving around like mad so perhaps they were just too tired to rock out for long.
The Castanets, which last night was just Raymond Raposa and Brigit DeCook, used the same instruments as Lazarus so they played almost immediately after the first set was finished. I think I like to describe the Castanets as Iron and Wine's younger, more impressionable brother. That's what they sound like. It's good and the style of music is similar but Castanets songs are not quite as mature as those of Iron and Wine.
Raymond stepped into the room, took his flip flops off, strapped a guitar on and pretty much started singing. He didn't use a microphone, just sang directly at the people who were sitting and standing before him. The room he was playing in is miniscule (smaller than the music room in mine and Marci's old apartment) so this worked. Unfortunately, the Castanets set was rather short as well, as are most of his songs but performed with all the soul and hand-wrung angst that I could ever ask for.
Anyone who loves Iron and Wine and the Mountain Goats should definitely seek the Castanets out. (I fall under this category.)
Posted by
3:06 PM
Monday, March 07, 2005
Rock and Roll Circus!
I have been in love with The Rolling Stones Rock and Roll Circus for a long time now. I first saw this gem about 5 years ago when Marci commandeered her dad's copy for us to enjoy. It was out of print forever and ever until recently when it was finally released on divid. It began as the brainchild between Mick Jagger and Pete Townsend; The Rolling Stones and The Who were going to tour across the Unites States as the Rock and Roll Circus, complete with music and circus performances. But as there was not an efficient enough railway system here the plan was foiled. Now we are just left with this amazing, once in a lifetime occurance, which is also that much more significant as it is the last Rolling Stones performance with Brian Jones, who died shortly thereafter. Other artists who are featured are The Who, Taj Mahal, Marianne Faithfull, Jethro Tull, Dirty Mac (John Lennon, Keith Richards, Eric Clapton, and Mitch Mitchell) and of course, the ever-present Yoko Ono. It's amazing that such an event ever took place. A must see if anything ever was.
Posted by
2:50 PM